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MIKE GLEESON Language fails to explain the gratitude I feel towards my father-in-law Mike, a true gentle giant in every sense, a man of substance and unbridled generosity. Like any other girl I feared dealing with in-laws, I remember the first time meeting you and in our opening moments it was evident your true strength isn't in your physical size but in the size of your heart, easily broken and sensitive with a depth of sincerity many would and have missed as you are never one to boast or brag. Devoted isn't the word to use to describe you it isn't really strong enough, my respect for you is incalculable the relationship you share with Nan is ever more apparent with her diagnosis with dementia, I love the bond you share with her and your son. You have stood like a rock for your family and the last ten years caring for Nan with compassion, with the phrase "still the loveliest girl I ever met", radiant in everything you do and say. While retirement dreams of travelling the world with Nan by your side have halted you provide, encourage and support us all living vicariously and delighting in our adventures, encouraging us to chase our dreams. You are one of the sweetest men I have ever met, I feel so blessed to have you as my father-in-law, I want to thank you so much but most of all thank you for being you. Love Kate. xx
Viewed by: 1377 visitors. Uploaded: 5 years ago
Published in: Manchester Evening News.
Published from: June 15, 2019.
Region: North West
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